Glenoma Training Hill – PERMANENTLY CLOSED

Property Sold – no longer available for flight operations.

Only launch within your rating and skill levels; When in doubt, don’t set up or launch.

If you’re in the air and the sky starts to look threatening, get out of the air immediately. Also be aware of nearby terrain and potential for rotor. (Yes this is common sense H1/P1 stuff and we feel silly for needing to say it, but rest assured it’s here for a reason!).

All incidents should be documented via the current USHPA incident reporting protocols with a courtesy copy to the site contact. Any incident involving non-pilot property damage, injuries or assistance from non-pilots(EMS, police, public bystanders etc) must also be reported as soon as practical to the site contact.

In an emergency, Call 9-1-1 first.

Updated 02/2020